Baumer GK473 User Manual
Page 11
Manual_GK473_S7_Profibus_EN.doc 11/32
Baumer IVO GmbH & Co. KG
3.2 Import GSD file
Consider the left project window. Branch down to all project elements by clicking on the “+ “ sign. Click
on SIMATIC 300 station.
Among others, the right window will indicate „Hardware“. Double click on „Hardware“.
The hardware window of the Simatic Manager as independent program element „HW config“ will open.
When importing a GSD file no station in the hardware window must be left open. Make sure they are
closed by clicking on „Station“ Æ „Close“.
Importing a GSD file is realized by „Extras“ Æ import GSD file“. Then select the directory with the GSD
file (for example A:\).
After having finalized the import operation re-open the present (File Æ At the bottom will appear a list
of the recently opened stations).
3.3 Hardware-Configuration
For hardware configuration the Profibus must be connected to CPU first – if not already done. Use
right mouse key and click on X2-DP Master bus for insertion of a DP master system.
A new subnet is created by clicking on button „New“