Dako Artisan™ Link Pro User Manual
Page 77

Dako Artisan™ Link
Basic User Guide
NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) Hazard Ratings
Each color coded diamond represents a different hazard in addition to a degree
of hazard through a numbering system as defined below.
Blue Diamond – Health Hazard
4 – Severe: Deadly, even the slightest exposure to this substance would be life
3 – Serious: Extreme danger. Serious injury would result from exposure to this
2 – Moderate: Dangerous. Exposure to this substance would be hazardous to
1 – Slight: Irritation or minor injury would result from exposure to this substance.
0 – Minimal: No significant hazard or health risk.
Red Diamond – Flammability Hazard
4 – Severe: Extremely flammable material. Flash point below 73°F (23°C).
This substance is extremely flammable, volatile or explosive.
3 – Serious: Flammable material. Flash point below 100°F but above 73°F.
Flammable, volatile or explosive at normal temperatures and pressures.
2 – Moderate: Highly combustible material. Flash point below 200°F but above
100°F. Moderately heated conditions may ignite this substance.
1 – Slight: Combustible material. Flash point above 200°F. Substance must be
preheated to ignite.
0 – Minimal: Not flammable. Will not burn.
Yellow Diamond – Reactivity Hazard
4 – Severe: May detonate. Substances may explode at normal temperatures
and pressures.
3 – Serious: Explosive. Capable of detonation or explosion by heat, shock or
2 – Moderate: Unstable. Violent chemicals changes are possible at normal
temperatures or pressures or when mixed with water.
1 – Normally stable. Substances which may become unstable at elevated
temperatures or pressures or with water.
0 – Stable. Substances remain stable with heat, pressure and with water.
White Diamond – Specific Hazard
Use no water