Canon A-1 User Manual
Page 76

Film Plane Indicator
This mark is engraved on the top of the
camera beside the film rewind knob, just to
the left of the pentaprism, to indicate the
exact position of the film plane. It is not
used in general photography, but it is helpful
in close-up photography and photomacro-
graphy for obtaining the exact shooting
distance from film to subject.
Distance Scale
The distances on the scale are calibrated
from the film plane to indicate the focused
distance from film plane to subject.
The scale is not generally used except
when confirming depth of field, perfor-
ming guide number calculations in flash
photography, or using infrared film.
Read one-digit distances in the middle of the
number marked on the scale. Two-digit
distances should be read at the point be-
tween the two digits.
Infrared Index Mark
Since infrared light rays have longer wave-
lengths which focus on a plane slightly
behind that of ordinary visible light rays, it
is necessary to slightly adjust the focus of
the lens when using black and white infrared
film. The infrared index mark engraved on
the lens barrel is used for this purpose. After
focusing the same as usual, note the tiny red
dot engraved on the lens barrel just to the
right of the distance index, and turn the
focusing ring to align the focused distance
with this red dot. For instance, if the focus
is at 5m on the distance scale, turn the
focusing ring to align the 5m mark with the
red dot. After that focusing correction, you
can release the shutter.
When using infrared black and white film,
visible light rays must be kept out by means
of a deep red filter (Rl) over the lens. When
using infrared color film, there is no need to
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