Aphex IN2 User Manual

Page 4

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PreSonus Studio One

Create a New Song.

Under Styles, select Empty Song.

Select Sample Rate and Resolution and click OK.

Click Studio One-Preferences. Then select Audio Setup.

Click the Audio Device drop down list and select Aphex IN2.

Set Device Block Size to 64 samples and click OK.

Click Track-Add Audio Track (mono).

In Track 1 click the Record Input tab currently labeled None and select Audio I/O

Under Inputs click the add (mono) tab and click Apply then click OK.

In Track 1 click the Record Input tab currently labeled None and select Input 1.

Click on the Speaker icon to monitor the recording.

Click the red circle (Track Arm) on your track.

You should now see signal on the input and output meters and hear yourself in
the IN2 headphones or speakers.

Harrison Mixbus

Launch Mixbus and the Session Control window will open.

Select the Audio Setup tab.

Under Device set Driver to Core Audio for Mac or ASIO for Windows, set
Interface to IN2, select a sample rate and set the Buffer Size to 64 (If you hear
pops and clicks in your audio, come back and set the I/O Buffer Size to 128. Set
this as low as possible without hearing pops and clicks.)

Then click on the new session tab, name the file and give it a folder location.

Click New.

Click Track-Add Track/Bus.

Leave the default settings and click Add.

Click the red circle (Track Arm) on your track.