Aphex IN2 User Manual
Aphex Hardware

IN2 and Windows DAW Quickstart Guide
Be sure your IN2 is plugged in to a USB 2.0 port on your computer and that
your headphones are connected to the IN2. Set the input level to 12 o’clock
and the headphone level all the way down.
First make sure that your device is selected as the input and output device on
your Windows SOUND control panel.
Launch the Aphex Audio Driver Control Panel.
Click on Aphex IN2.
Select the sample rate that you’d like to record with.
Click on ASIO settings and set your latency to 3.0ms to start. You might have to
adjust this later to suit your computer’s capabilities.
Exit the control panel.
Adobe Audition
Go to Edit-Preferences-Audio Hardware.
Under Device Class select ASIO. Click YES.
Set Device to Aphex ASIO.
In the Preferences window in the left column select Audio Channel Mapping.
The Inputs and Outputs will now show IN2 Analog 1 & 2. Click OK.
Under File, select New-Multitrack Session.
Name your session and click OK.
For Track 1, the input will show Default Stereo Input.
Use the drop down to select Mono, IN2 Analog 1.
For Track 1, select output as Master.
Scroll down below the tracks and find the Master section.
Set output to Stereo-(01S) IN2 Analog 1.