Aphex IN2 User Manual
Page 3

Set Monitor to ON.
You should now see signal on the input meters and hear yourself in the IN2
headphones or speakers.
Click the red record button to record your voice.
Cockos Reaper
Select Reaper-Preferences. Then select Audio-Device.
Under Audio Device Settings, select IN2 as your Audio Device.
Set Request Sample Rate from 44.1kHz to 96kHz. (This must match the
selection in Apple’s Audio Midi Setup and Aphex Windows Control Panel.)
Set Request Block size to 64 samples. (If you hear pops and clicks in your audio,
come back and set the I/O Request Block Size to 128. Set this as low as possible
without hearing pops and clicks.)
Click Apply and then click OK.
Go to File-New project.
Go to Track-Insert New Track.
The new track will appear in the edit window AND the mixer window below.
Below the fader in the edit window for the new track is a dropdown list that allows
you to select a mono or stereo input for the track. It should default to IN2 Analog
1. If not, you can select it.
Below in the mixer window is the Master Fader. Click on the I/O button just above
the fader. IN2 Analog 1/ IN2 Analog 2 should come up as the default output. If
not, you can delete what has come up as default and select IN2 Analog 1/ IN2
Analog 2.
Exit the Outputs for Master Track screen.
Click on the Speaker icon of Track 1 in the mixer section to monitor the
Click the red circle (Track Arm) on Track 1.
You should now see signal on the input and output meters and hear yourself in
the IN2 headphones or speakers.