LaMotte SMART Link 2 User Manual
Smartlink 2

for use with the Smart Colorimeter
and Smart Spectrophotometer • Code 1923
In tro duc tion
The Smartlink 2 software was designed to allow the data stored in the
SMART Colorimeter or Spectrophotometer to be easily transferred to a
personal computer. The Smartlink 2 software relates a set of test results to
a particular testing site and date. Understanding how the data is stored in
the SMART Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer will make using the
software even easier.
Every time a test is run on the SMART Colorimeter or
Spectrophotometer the result is stored in a list. The colorimeter will store
up to 500 results. Every time the colorimeter is turned off, an empty space
is stored in the list. The list consists of blocks of data separated by blank
spaces. This allows sets of data to be stored as separate blocks just by
turning off the meter. Run tests at one site and turn off the meter and go
to the next test site. Run more tests and turn off the meter. There are now
two blocks of data which can be related to a particular site when the data
is downloaded with the Smartlink 2 software. (Hint: to identify blocks of
data, edit the name of a USER TEST to be the site name and run that test
first at that site. Turn off the meter and there will be a block of data which
contains the name of the site!!).
Using the Smartlink 2 program allows you to input information about
different testing sites into databases. As the data is downloaded from the
Smart Colorimeter or Spectrophotometer, the software asks which testing site
each block of data should be stored with. The data can then be printed or
exported to a spread sheet program if desired.