Cutmaster a80 – Tweco A80 CutMaster User Manual

Page 35

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Manual 0-4985





4T.01 Machine and Automated Torch Operation

Cutting With Machine or Automated Torch

These torches are activated by remote control pendant or

by a remote interface device such as CNC.

1. To start a cut at the plate edge, position the center of

the torch along the edge of the plate.

Travel Speed

Proper travel speed is indicated by the trail of the arc which

is seen below the plate. The arc can be one of the following:

1. Straight Arc

A straight arc is perpendicular to the workpiece

surface. This arc is generally recommended

for the best cut using air plasma on stainless or


2. Leading Arc

The leading arc is directed in the same direction

as torch travel. A five degree leading arc is gener-

ally recommended for air plasma on mild steel.

3. Trailing Arc

The trailing arc is directed in the opposite direc-

tion as torch travel.

Automation and Machine Torch Operation

For optimum smooth surface quality, the travel speed

should be adjusted so that only the leading edge of the arc

column produces the cut. If the travel speed is too slow,

a rough cut will be produced as the arc moves from side

to side in search of metal for transfer.

Travel speed also affects the bevel angle of a cut. When

cutting in a circle or around a corner, slowing down the

travel speed will result in a squarer cut. The power source

output should be reduced also. Refer to the appropriate

Control Module Operating Manual for any Corner Slow-

down adjustments that may be required.

Piercing With Machine or Automated Torch

To pierce, the arc should be started with the torch posi-

tioned as high as possible above the plate while allowing the

arc to transfer and pierce. This standoff helps avoid having

molten metal blow back onto the front end of the torch.

When operating with a cutting machine, a pierce or dwell

time is required. Torch travel should not be enabled until

the arc penetrates the bottom of the plate. As motion be-

gins, torch standoff should be reduced to the recommended

1/8 - 1/4 inch (3-6 mm) distance for optimum speed and

cut quality. Clean spatter and scale from the shield cup

and the tip as soon as possible. Spraying or dipping the

shield cup in anti - spatter compound will minimize the

amount of scale which adheres to it.

4T.02 Automation Torch Parts Selection

Check the torch for proper consumable parts. The parts

supplied in the torch may not be correct for the operator’s

chosen amperage level. The torch parts must correspond

with the type of operation.

Torch parts:

Shield Cup, Cutting Tip, Electrode and Starter Cartridge


Refer to Sections 4T.08 and following for additional

information on torch parts.

Change the torch parts for a different operation as follows:


Disconnect primary power at the source before

assembling or disassembling torch parts, or torch

and leads assemblies.