Audio inputs, Analog audio inputs, Digital audio inputs – Sound Devices PIX 220i User Manual
Page 21: Analog audio inputs digital audio inputs, See “audio, Audio in puts

Audio Inputs
The PIX recorders accept either two analog audio inputs on XLR connectors or two channels of
embedded audio on the HDMI input. The PIX 240i also accepts up to 8 channels of embedded audio
on the SDI input and the analog XLR inputs can be switched to accept four channels (two streams) of
AES/EBU digital audio.
Analog Audio Inputs
PIX recorders have two high-performance analog audio inputs. These balanced inputs accept either
mic- or line-level signals, and include high-pass filters, limiters, 48V phantom power, linking, and
M/S matrixing.
Input Low-cut Filters
Setup Menu options: Audio
Analog 1 Low cut
and Audio
Analog 2 Low cut
Low-cut filters on analog inputs reduce sensitivity to low frequency signals (such as wind noise
from a microphone). Signals below the selected frequency are attenuated. The amount of attenuation
increases at lower frequencies according to the slope of the low-cut filter. The Setup Menu option
Low cut Slope
allows adjustment of the slope for both analog inputs.
Input Limiters
Setup Menu option: Audio
Input Limiter (1,2)
Analog inputs incorporate an advanced, analog/DSP-controlled hybrid limiter to prevent input over-
load. In normal operation and with proper gain settings, the limiters should rarely engage. When
activated, limiters prevent unusually high input signal levels from overloading the analog input
stage of the preamp.
Limiting activity is indicated by a yellow segment on the audio meters (both in the Audio View and
the Main View). When the yellow segment is visible, limiting is occurring. The Input Limiters are ac-
tive for both mic- and line-level inputs. When inputs are linked, the limiters are linked.
Input Polarity
Setup Menu options: Audio
Analog 1 Polarity
and Audio
Analog 2 Polarity
Input Polarity inversion (sometimes referred as phase reverse) can be applied to either analog input.
This can be used to rectify incorrectly wired balanced cables, to prevent signal cancellation when a
source is dual-miked from opposite directions, or reverse left/right with MS microphone configura-
Digital Audio Inputs
The PIX 220i and PIX 240i accept digital audio from HDMI. Additionally, the PIX 240i accepts digital
audio input over SDI and AES/EBU inputs. All audio is sampled at 48 kHz.
HDMI / SDI Embedded Audio
The PIX 220i and PIX 240i accept two channels of embedded digital audio on the HDMI Video Input.
The PIX 240i accepts up to 8 channels of digital audio on its SDI input.
The PIX 240i accepts AES3 (AES/EBU) digital signals with sampling rates from 32 kHz up to 192 kHz
and bit depths up to 24-bits. Files recorded by the PIX 240i are uncompressed 24 bit, with sampling
udio In
PIX 220i and PIX 240i Video Recorder User Guide