Adjusting subwoofer volume – Revel LFO User Manual

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LFO Programming Software

User Guide

7. If any of the LFO software's 10 EQ fi lters remain unused, you can repeat steps 3 – 5 to reduce any deep dips in response that are above 30Hz.

NOTE: Using EQ boost for frequencies below 30Hz can quickly exhaust the subwoofer amplifi er's power and limit your system's dynamic range. In the

example below we've cheated a bit by using the EQ9 fi lter for a narrow-bandwidth (Q = 12) 6dB EQ peak that reduces the –10dB dip at 25Hz by 6dB.

8. Note that, similar to the Measured Response illustrated in these examples, your system's Measured Response will fall-off steadily below 20Hz.

DO NOT TRY TO CORRECT THIS USING EQ. Attempting to do so will severely reduce your system's overall dynamic range and will increase the
likelihood of audible amplifi er clipping.

Sending the Equalization to Your Subwoofer(s):

1. In the LFO Menu bar, select Save to Amplifi er.

2. The subwoofer EQ settings that are currently active on the LFO screen will be uploaded to the connected subwoofer (subwoofer #1 if you're using

multiple subwoofers). If you're using multiple subwoofers the audio signal sent from subwoofer #1 to all the other subwoofers in the chain will contain
the equalization, so you only need to equalize subwoofer #1.

After applying the equalization to the subwoofer(s) we strongly suggest that you play the test noise again and perform a spatially-averaged measurement
of the equalized subwoofer(s) by repeating steps 3 – 7 on pages 12 – 13. If you notice any areas that still diverge from the target response, fi ne-tune your
EQ fi lters as necessary to minimize the divergences.

• When you're satisfi ed with the results, repeat steps 1 – 2 in this section, then select Save to Disk in the LFO menu bar, assign a name to the fi nal EQ

fi le and save it.

IMPORTANT: When you're fi nished be sure to re-connect your left and right speaker wire conductors or turn the system amplifi er(s) back on.

• When you're completely fi nished measuring and equalizing, if you want the subwoofer(s) to automatically turn on and off when an audio signal is

present, set the Auto Sense Control time for each subwoofer (see Auto Sense Control, on page 6) and set the Power Mode switches on the subwoofer
rear panels to "Auto."


If you need to further balance the volume of your subwoofer(s) with the volume of your system's other speakers, use your preamp/processor's subwoofer
volume control.

If the preamp/processor's subwoofer volume control does not have enough range – for example, if it is at its minimum level and the subwoofer(s) are still
too loud – change the LFO Software's Subwoofer Level Adjustment setting to compensate.

IMPORTANT: If you're using multiple subwoofers you must set the LFO Software's Subwoofer Level Adjustment to the same setting for all subwoofers.
Setting one subwoofer to a different level setting will limit your system's dynamic range. See Before You Begin, Please Note the Following, on page 8.