Gossen Digiflash User Manual
Page 3

GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmeßtechnik
The functioning of the Digiflash . 4
Preparation and self-test ................ 4
Incident light and reflected light ...... 5
Duration of read-out in display ....... 5
Functions of the Digiflash ........... 6
Setting the film speed ..................... 6
Exposure measuring ambient light . 7
2.2.1 Read-out of the values measured .. 7
Flash measurement ....................... 8
2.3.1 Setting the sync speed (meas. time) 8
2.3.2 Measuring ...................................... 8
2.3.3 Fill-in Flashes ................................. 9
Taking a measurement
outside the measuring range 10
Contrast measurements ............... 10
Setting correction values .............. 11
Function TIMER ........................... 12
Watch/Alarm clock ....................... 13
Measuring temperatures .............. 15
2.9.1 Min./Max. temperatures ............... 15
Service and repairs .................... 16
Technical data ............................ 17
The Digiflash is a small but smart GOS-
SEN exposure meter, with digital read-out,
for ambient light and flash. The Digiflash is
made to exacting GOSSEN calibration
standards for high precision measure-
ments. The trendy styling and logical func-
tioning make it easy and comfortable to
operate. Key features:
• Incident and reflected light meas. mode
• Measuring of ambient and flash light
P controlled
• Digital LCD read-out in the display
in 1/3 stop increments
• Contrast readout in 1/3 EV steps
• Storage of the measuring results
• Indication of all suitable combinations
of shutter speeds and f-stops
• Signal "range over" or "range under"
• Automatic battery check
• Countdown timer for long exposures
• Function Watch/Alarm clock
• Measuring temperatures