Watts LFX65B User Manual

X65b, Frequently asked questions

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Frequently Asked Questions


When I order an X65B

Water Pressure Reducing

Valve (WPRV), what

comes with it?

The X65B is marketed in three different

ways. You may purchase the X65B as

a complete pressure reducing valve, or

as a Rough-in-Kit, or you may purchase

the Cartridge Assembly separately and

install it at the finish plumbing stage to

complete the pressure reducing valve


How does the X65B

Cartridge Assembly


The X65B factory preset Cartridge

Assembly is a complete module that is

installed, typically during final plumbing

work, or it can be installed as a com-

plete replacement if any required service

needed—no tools are required.

Can the Cartridge

Assembly be removed?

The Cartridge Assembly can be easily

removed, if required, by turning the unit

counterclockwise—no tools are required.

Note that water supply needs to be

turned off prior to any performance of


Should the Cartridge

Assembly be disassem-


No, the Cartridge Assembly is a factory

assembled complete unit and is not ser-

viceable. This design allows for quick and

easy replacement.

What sizes are available

for the X65B WPRV?

The X65B is offered in full range of sizes

½" through 2" (15 – 50mm) with body

pressure rating of 400psi.

USA: 815 Chestnut St., No. Andover, MA 01845-6098;
Canada: 5435 North Service Rd., Burlington, ONT. L7L 5H7;

W a t e r S a f e t y & F l o w C o n t r o l P r o d u c t s

What is the set pressure

for the X65B WPRV from

the factory?

The X65B is offered in two

pressure settings. The standard

pressure setting from the fac-

tory is 50psi with a spring range

of 20-80psi. The high pressure

“HP” version is set at 100psi and

has a range of 50-150psi.

What standards does the

X65B WPRV comply with?

The X65B standard range valve is certi-

fied to ASSE 1003 and listed by ASSE

and IAPMO.

What is the maximum

working pressure of the


Maximum working pressure of the X65B

is 400psi.


I order

a X65B


Kit, what

comes with


The Rough-In-

Kit consists of

the valve


body and

the plastic



When is the

Rough-In Kit


The Rough-In Kit can

be used in the initial

construction stage. The kit

body is installed permanently into the

water system eliminating material and

labor costs for jumper kits. The unique

strainer/cap assembly is used until the

finish plumbing stage. At that point, it

is replaced with a permanent Cartridge


What kind of end con-

nections (tailpieces) are

available on the X65B


The X65B can be supplied with the fol-

lowing end connections: either single

union or double union, threaded, solder,

Quick-Connect, PEX and CPVC.

May I order end

connections (tailpieces)

separately for the X65B


Yes, end connections are available sepa-

rately in a polypropylene bag consisting

of a union nut, end connection (tailpiece)

and O-ring. The TPK (tailpiece) kit will

allow for flexibility and lessen inventory


S-X65B-FAQ 0844

© Watts, 2008

X65B Rough-in-Kit