Overview, Specifications – Banner K80L Segmented EZ-LIGHT User Manual

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The EZ-LIGHT™ K80L Segmented Indicator is a color point-of-use indicator which can be used to send nonlingual messages to an
operator or to monitor multiple locations.
Up to four independently selected colors provide the ability to communicate up to four messages, or more if they are used in combination.
For example, a green sector could be lit to communicate “all systems OK,” and blue could represent “service needed soon” or a “shoplift-
er is on the floor.” Green plus red ON together could mean something different from either color ON individually. See hookups for color
selection information.
Indicator colors are fixed in a standardized location, which is helpful for people who have limited color recognition capability.
The K80L Segmented mounts easily on a flat surface, but can also be placed on various types of pipe for elevated use. In addition to
customer-supplied pipe and conduit, Banner offers stainless steel pipe and other mounting accessories.


Supply Voltage and Current

18 to 30V dc;
K80L4 models: @ 35 mA max. per LED color, @ 90 mA max. with all LEDs ON
K80L3 models: @ 50 mA max. with 1 color ON, @ 35 mA max. with color 2 or 3 ON, @ 90 mA max. with all LEDs ON
K80L2 models: @ 50 mA max. with color 1 or 2 ON, @ 90 mA max. with all LEDs ON
K80L1 models: @ 90 mA max.

Supply Protection Circuitry

Protected against reverse polarity and transient voltages


LEDs are independently selected: Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, or White; 1-4 colors, depending on model. For other colors,
contact Factory for availability.

Input Response Time

Indicator ON: Initial light — 250 ms max., additional lights — 10 ms max.
Indicator OFF: 10 ms max.


The K80L Segmented features a 6-position Program DIP switch on the back of the indicator cover. For normal operation, no
adjustment should be necessary; these switches should remain all in the down position. For alternate operation (flash func-
tionality for 1-color models, Demo mode for 2-, 3-, and 4-color models), see Setup.


Base: ABS/polycarbonate
Translucent face: acrylic


5-pin Euro-style integral QD (Q)connector standard; 150 mm (6") pigtail QD (QP); or terminal-wired, depending on model.

Environmental Rating

Rated IEC IP67 (NEMA 6)

Vibration and Mechanical Shock

All models meet Mil. Std. 202F requirements method 201A (vibration: 10 to 60 Hz max., double amplitude 0.06", maximum
acceleration 10G). Also meets IEC 947-5-2; 30G 11 ms duration, half sine wave.


EZ-LIGHT® K80L Segmented Indicator

2 - tel: 763-544-3164

P/N 132728 rev. D