Metrohm NIRS XDS Process Analyzer – MicroBundle User Manual

Page 9

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The “X-Purge” unit comes in either the air-conditioned enclosure
(shown) or the Vortec-cooled version.

This Vortec-cooled system may be used in Div. 1 areas as defined
under NEC 500 standards, and in Zone 1 areas as defined by
IEC/CENELEC and NEC 505 requirements. The air-conditioned
unit is limited to Div. 2 areas.

The BEBCO system supplies clean instrument air or inert gas to
remove flammable vapors, and to prevent accumulation of
ignitable dust within the protected XDS Process enclosure. The
XDS Process Analytics Instrument is therefore protected against
combustion, heat, moisture, dust build-up and corrosion.

This unit is described more fully in section 2.0 of this manual.

The XDS Process Analytics Instrument has an Indicator LED panel
to show functions. The LED panel shows Lamp on, and
Communications operating. The last LED indicates Scanning.

This is a functional diagram of the XDS Process Analyzer, showing one Interactance Reflectance
channel, and one Transmission Pair. Note the Lamp Box, Reference Channel, and Multiplexer.