Metrohm 726 TP Backup User Manual
Page 7
726 TP Backup
8.726.8007 Instructions for Use
To save the selected settings in the 726 TP Backup program, first confirm the
settings of the dialog box Port settings by clicking OK. Finally, either the key
combination Shift + F9 can be pressed or the Save command chosen from the
Configuration menu.
Important Note
File transfer from PC to Titroprocessor may cause problems with some Personal
Computers that are equipped with high speed serial interfaces. If you experience
problems with file transfer set the PC’s transmit buffer to minimal size or switch
off the interface’s FIFO buffer.
Switch off the FIFO buffer of the serial interface with Windows 3.x as follows:
Start Sysedit.exe or Notepad.exe from the accessories window and open the
System.ini file (must be present in the C:\Windows directory). Search the
[386Enh] section and modify the COMxFIFO entry to ‘COMxFIFO=0’ (x=1 or
2). Save the system.ini file, close the editor application and restart Windows.
Modify the transmit buffer for Windows 95 as follows:
Click Start on the task bar and then – Settings – Control panel – System –
Device Manager – Ports – COMx – Properties – Port settings – Advanced
(COMx=COM1 or COM2)
Put the transmit buffer to minimal size. Quit the Control panel and restart Win-