CTL Confirm-IT2 User Manual

Page 8

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Getting Started


About The Main Appointment Confirmation Status Screen

Figure 4 Main Appointment Status Screen

If Auto Import Mode is selected, Confirm-IT2 will poll the appointment

file every 30 seconds to check for new client entries, changes to existing
client contact data or appointment date/time changes.

If input mode is set to Manual, the user will need to perform an import
each time the appointment database file has changed or a new
appointment has been added.

- If the Import mode is set to Manual, this area shows the last time an import was completed.

- If the Import mode is set to Auto, this will show the last time Confirm-IT2 detected that the
appointment database file has been modified and completed a new import.

This area indicates the amount of
appointments that were added to the callout
queue during the last import.
(If for example only a phone number
changed during the most recent import, no
appointments would be added)

* The Import Mode is
determined during the
installation of Confirm-IT2.


Familiar Pull-Down Menus

See Figure 12

Personal Reminder Notepad for User

Callout, Email or Text Appointment Reminder
Information Column Descriptions.

Bold information indicates today’s activity,
Regular text displays yesterday’s activity.

Indicates Appointment, Appointment Range,
Appointment Date, Reschedule, Birthday,
Notify Now, Provider Canceled or Inactive
type of notification.


Appears only if required formatting
by automatic file conversion CTL
customized option is present.

"Ntfy Now"
"Appt Rng"
"Appt Dat