Operation – Bully Dog Watchdog User Manual
Page 9

Method 2 Stop Watch:
Use a Stop Watch to measure how long it takes to travel one mile while trav-
eling at 60 mph according to the WatchDog. To perform this method accelerate up to a speed of 60
mph according to the WatchDog and then set the vehicle speed control at that speed. While traveling
at that constant speed record the amount of time in seconds that it takes to travel exactly one mile.
Use highway mile markers to ensure that your one mile measurement is correct. If it takes 60 seconds
to travel one mile at a speed of 60 mph then the WatchDog is reading accurately. If it takes at least 2
seconds more or less than 60 seconds then you will want to record that difference and use the formula
below to calculate the percent difference before moving to step 3.
To calculate the percent difference use this formula:
Recorded Time - 60 seconds
60 seconds
Example 1: Using a stop watch the actual time it took to drive one mile while traveling at 60 mph
according the WatchDog was 63 seconds.
63 - 60
.05 or 5.0%
Once you have your answer move on to step 3.
3. If the WatchDog is reading accurately according to either method then there is no need to adjust
the WatchDog speed display. If the WatchDog reads inaccurately then you will want to adjust the
speed display. To adjust speed for an inaccurate read out on the WatchDog enter the Main Menu
then navigate to the
Vehicle setup menu and enter into the adjust speed Display menu.
Once in the Speed Display menu adjust the speed by the exact opposite percent difference that you
calculated to correct the WatchDog’s speed. So if the percent difference was equal to 5.0% then adjust
the Speed Display to -5.0% to counterbalance the effect of the 5.0% inaccuracy. See the diagram on
the next page that illustrates the difference.
Percent difference =
1. Percent difference =
2. Percent difference =
3. Percent difference =