Operation – Bully Dog Watchdog User Manual
Page 30

Adjust Acceleration:
The sensitivity setting determines the degree to which the Acceleration and Deceleration bar on the
Driving Coach interface react to actual vehicle acceleration and deceleration.
A new user will want to start with a low or medium sensitivity setting and work up from there as
their driving improves and they are able to hold a high letter grade for average and trip economy.
• Recommended Sensitivity Selections:
Not quite sure which setting to use, try the recomended
uses below until you become comfortable and confident with using the settings under more chal-
lenging conditions.
Low Setting:
City Driving and beginners in any driving circumstances.
Med Setting:
Rural for beginners and some city driving for more advanced users.
High Setting:
Rural Only.
Coach sound setup:
The Audio feedback provided by the Driving
Coach can be turned On or Off. This only affects
the sound feedback provided by the Driving
Coach, it does not affect button feedback or
vehicle warnings.
Adjust Accel/Decel Sensitivity.
Go Back
to Drv. Coach Setup
Go Back
to Drv. Coach Setup
Turn the Driving Coach Sound On or
OFF by making your selection below.
Coach Sound ON
Coach Sound OFF
Use these two buttons to toggle between
On and Off, press “Go Back.” when finished.
Use these two buttons to toggle between
Low, Medium, High sensitivity levels.
Press the “Go Back” button when the desired
sensitivity level has been highlighted.