Operation – Bully Dog Watchdog User Manual
Page 21

Vehicle Parameters:
The list of vehicle parameters below, which also extends onto the next page shows vehicle parameters
which can potentially be displayed on the Watchdog. Due to vehicle specific availability not all of the
parameters displayed below will be available on every vehicle and some vehicles will have significantly
fewer parameters which can be viewed. Only the parameters that are available for a particular vehicle
will show up in the Gauge Setup menu once the WatchDog has been fully installed.
• Pyro 1 and Pyro 2:
These gauge options will display EGTs or exhaust gas temperatures. What is dis-
played on the main screen of the WatchDog actually depends on the “Pyro Source,” that is selected from
the “Select Pyro Source,” menu which is in the Vehicle Setup Menu.
Special Note: Some diesel and gas vehicles have OEM temperature sensors in their exhaust systems
which will display their temperature reading in the pyro 1 and or pyro 2 locations as long as the “Pyro
Source,” is set to “Factory Pyros.” Within the Vehicle Setup menu is a menu item, “Select Pyro Source,”
that allows you to switch between looking at OEM pyros and looking at an aftermarket Bully Dog
Pyrometer. The correct source must be selected to view the desired pyrometer source.
• Speed:
Display the vehicle speed in either miles per hour or kilometers per hour depending on what
units of measurement has been selected.
Special Note: If speed is reading inaccurately then the speed displayed can be adjusted, read Section 2
of the operating instructions to find out how to correctly calibrate the speed display.
• Boost:
Boost is a measure of pressure in lbs. that a vehicles turbo charger is generating. It is possible that
this parameter will also show a manifold pressure reading on non turbo charged vehicles.
• RPM:
Revolutions per minute of the vehicles crank shaft.
• Coolant:
Display coolant temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius depending on what units of measure-
ment has been selected.
• Throttle:
Display throttle position as a percentage where an idle position equals 0% and full throttle
equals 100%.
• Intake:
Display the intake temperature at the point where the OEM temperature sensor is installed
within the air intake stream. Displays temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius depending on what units of
measurement has been selected.
• Barometer:
Display atmospheric pressure in PSI (pounds per square inch) or in KPA (kilopascals) de-
pending on what units of measurement has been selected.