Installation – Bully Dog Watchdog User Manual

Page 9

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MiCrO sD CarD
The Micro SD Card holds all of the electronic
files necessary to properly start up the
Watchdog, the SD card must be installed
into the micro SD card slot on the side of the
Watchdog at all times. The micro SD card
will even remain in the SD card slot during
internet updates.

uniVersal winDshielD MOunt
This universal windshield mount is used to install the Watchdog firmly
onto the windshield, it is a suction cup mount that will work on any
vehicle windshield. We also offer a pillar pod mounting style, check our
web site for details.

Mini usb Cable
The mini USB cable is a standard off the shelf mini
USB cable. It serves two purposes for the WatchDog:
1. Internet Updates
2. Downloading performance tests to a PC from the