Operation – Bully Dog Watchdog User Manual

Page 23

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part 2: Check speed and Fuel economy accuracy
The accuracy of the speed read out and fuel economy read out are two items that can be
adjusted within the WatchDog menu system. It is important that these two parameters are
accurate for most of the information output by the WatchDog and the Driving Coach to be
reliable. Follow the easy steps below to check and adjust these two important parameters.

Checking WatchDog Speed Read out Accuracy:

1. Make sure that speed is displayed in one of the four gauge locations along the left side of the
WatchDog while viewing the Main Screen. If Speed is not displayed then simply enter into the Gauge
Setup menu and highlight speed for any one of the four gauge locations.
2. With speed displayed on the Main Screen prepare to go out on the road and perform a speed test.
There are two reliable ways to test for speed accuracy: Method 1 is using a GPS and Method 2 is using
a stop watch.

Method 1 GPS:

Use a GPS device to compare the speed displayed on the GPS device with the speed

that was displayed on the WatchDog at the same time. At any one time, if the speed displayed on the
WatchDog is more than 1 mph different than the GPS device then the WatchDog should be adjusted,
but first, calculate the percent difference plus or minus.
To calculate the percent difference use this formula:

WatchDog speed - GPS Speed

GPS Speed

Example 1: A GPS device reads 65 mph and the Watch Dog reads 62 mph at a single moment

62 - 65




-.046 or -4.6% then round up to -5%

Once you have your answer move to step 3.

Percent difference =

1. Percent difference =

2. Percent difference =

3. Percent difference =