Bully Dog Watchdog User Manual

Page 67

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seCtiOn 4:

Performance Testing Analysis Software

If you are a drag racer using the WatchDog for on track use then you must check out the
Performance Testing Analysis Software. This free software package takes all of the perfor-
mance testing runs that have been collected on the SD card and makes them viewable on
your PC. Go to our website and download the software free of charge and start using it
right away. The diagram below shows just a small example of what the software can do.

sOFtware Capabilities:

• Display Speed, RPM, Estimated Horsepower, and Estimated Torque during runs plotted on a
• Overlay multiple runs to cross compare two different recorded runs.
• Print out time slips that display all the information displayed on an official time slip, also
create images that can be emailed.
• Export horsepower and Torque graphs into images that can be saved, printed and even
• Export raw data into excel.