Voltage and current – BLUESHAPE BSMon v3.0 User Manual
Page 23

from the battery each second.
When the battery is not being read or is not connected, the chart will be available only if the previous readings had
processed enough data. In this case, the chart will be static.
Not all the parameters are of interest to display graphically, so only two types of charts will be displayed:
against a time scale
When launched by clicking on the
button, the chart viewer will open in a new window allowing better screen
management. The user can keep it in foreground as well as sending it to the background, or close it temporarily. Actually,
the chart viewer can be opened and closed without any loss of data because data is retained and logged by BSMon
independently. Each time it is opened, it shows the entire data logged so far.
Using a load connected to the BSMon USB reader through the
available on the side panel, or installing
the BSMon directly on a device (camcorder or charger) makes it possible to analyse the battery behaviour during
Voltage and Current
The Voltage and Current chart displays the actual battery voltage and actual charge or discharge currents (with the cell
temperature) on a time scale.
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