Blizzard Lighting Lucid DMX(Rev A) User Manual

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Lucid DMX

V Playback tools

Two playback modes can be setup for the Cues. The Release mode or the Stacking mode.

The Stacking mode allows you to play many sequences at the same time and on the same cue, the last

sequence will have the highest priority. The Release mode stops the current sequence's playback, so

you'll have only one sequence at once.

The up arrow means that you have the Release mode, the down arrow means the Stacking mode.

To switch between the Release and Stacking modes, click "Set Stacking mode".

The Stacking icon appears, you are allowed to start many sequences on the Cue 1.

2. 2. Live Tools

In Live mode, you can directly control the channels. Six tools are available. The first one is a "Previous

Sequence" button. Second is a "Next Sequence" button. The third one is a "Live Clear" button. If you

click on that button you'll release all the enabled Cues and Sequences. The fourth one is a "Blackout"

function. When you enable that function, all the light beams will be disabled. The next tool is a Master

Dimmer, you can control all the fixture dimmers. The final tool is a Speed Dimmer, this adjusts the

speed of all fixtures.

Try the "Live Clear" function. Enable some sequences, click the "Live Clear" button (or Control+F7).

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