Audio Developments AD149 User Manual

Page 75

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The following experiments may be performed on the monitor module. Select a couple
of L-R recordings; one in natural stereo and with a centralised soloist, and one in
unnatural, panpotted stereo.

The object of the exercise is to compare and contrast the two possible mono
reductions. The simplest method is to add the left and right signals - but remember
those nasty phase distortions. The second method is to matrix the L-R input signal to
M-S and extract the M-signal only. At this stage, take the opportunity of also
auditioning the out-of-phase components - S-signal. (Throughout the experiment,
note the effect of introducing the phase inversion switch on the right input signal.)

Compare the vitality of the M (mono) mix from the M-S domain with the dull and rather
lifeless mix from L+R=MONO.

If a stereo line module is available, creation of a Blumlein Loop will allow both the
effect of phase inversion on the S-signal and the differential application of
equalisation within the M-S domain to be appreciated.

Refer to page 11 - #2 and #3.