Software installation, Using the pds2win conversion program, Installation procedure – Rockwell Automation T3836 ICS Regent PDS to Winterpret Conversion Package User Manual
Page 2: Location of pds and w, Files
PDS to W
Conversion Package
I n d u s t r i a l C o n t r o l S e r v i c e s
Software Installation
The PDS to W
conversion program, PDS2WIN is
provided on a separate diskette from the W
software. The conversion program can be run directly from
the diskette or can be installed on the PC running the
application software. You should run the
conversion software only after you have installed the
base package.
Installation Procedure
If you choose to install the conversion software on you hard
disk, you can simply copy the program PDS2WIN.EXE from
the distribution diskette onto your hard drive. It is not
particularly important where you install the program on your
hard drive.
To copy the conversion package, use the following sequence:
1. Insert the Conversion package distribution disk into drive
A: or B:
2. From the DOS prompt type
copy b:\pds2win.exe drive:\[path]
where drive is the drive letter of your hard disk and path is
the directory path where you wish to copy the conversion
For example if you type copy b:\pds2win.exe c:\convert
the conversion program will be copied to drive C in the
directory named Convert.
Using the PDS2WIN Conversion Program
Location of PDS and W
Before you run the PDS2WIN conversion program you should
have your PDS application programs and configurations
loaded on your hard disk and know the drive letter and
directory path to where they are located. You should also
have already loaded the W
base package, know the