Rockwell Automation Motion Analyzer Registration Instructions User Manual
Rockwell Automation Equipment

Registration and Activation for Motion Analyzer 7.0
Motion Analyzer is free software which has no requirement to register.
In Version 6.0 a registration process was added and was required to activate the “full
version”. The registration and activation requirement was subsequently removed in
Version 7.0.
Registration is still required in Version 7.0 to request and use Feature Keys which are
used to unlock functionality that is not available to general users and is not needed for
most applications. If the user does not intend to use feature keys, no registration is
To complete the registration process for Motion Analyzer, complete the following steps:
Double-click the executable Motion Analyzer file, and follow the Install Shield
wizard to install the Motion Analyzer software.
Either go to the following URL
Use the Motion Analyzer Activation wizard on the help tab in Motion Analyzer
Open the Motion Analyzer software and the select Size and Select.
Click on the Help tab and then Activate Motion Analyzer
Figure 1: Activate Motion Analyzer Button
Select the Register for FULL Version – I want to obtain the Motion
Analyzer product key, take me to the register web page option.
Click the Register Now button.