Rockwell Automation 2100 200A Disconnect Power Wire/Lug Modification User Manual

200a disconnect power wire/lug modification

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Publication 2100-IN058A-EN-P—September 2004


200A Disconnect Power Wire/Lug

200A Disconnect Power
Wire/Lug Modification

If the unit with the 200A disconnect being replaced was manufactured prior to
August 23, 2004, this instruction sheet may be required.

The replacement 200A disconnect termination hardware may not allow the
power wire connection lugs to be attached on either the line side, load side or
both line and load sides. The stud hole in the power connection lugs may be
too small to allow for the termination hardware. The termination hardware
size has changed from 5/16” diameter hardware to 3/8” diameter hardware.

To accommodate the new hardware the stud hole in the power wire
connections lugs may have to be enlarged for the new 3/8” hardware. Follow
the steps below. Additionally, if the application is a main disconnect unit, the
originally supplied customer power lugs will need to be replaced. The lugs are
supplied with the replacement 200A disconnect.

1. If the disconnect/fuse holder termination hardware does not allow the

power wire connection lugs to fit, the stud hole in the lugs needs to be
enlarged to a larger diameter.

2. The recommended stud hole size for the 3/8” termination hardware is

13/32” (0.406”).

3. Once the stud holes have been enlarged, reinstall the power wires or

customer power lugs. Check that the phasing is correct. The torque
required for the termination hardware connection is 175 lb-in (20Nm).



This procedure requires verification that the motor control
center unit’s remote power source(s) is disconnected and
the respective disconnect(s) is locked in the OFF/O
positions. In the case of a plug-in unit, remove the unit
from the motor control center for servicing. Failure to
follow these recommendations will cause equipment
damage as well as severe injury or death to personnel.



When drilling power wire connection lugs within the unit,
take precautions to ensure metal particles do not fly into
any of the electrical components within the unit. Metal
particles that come into contact with electrical components
will cause short circuits. Failure to take proper precautions
will cause equipment damage as well as severe injury or
death to personnel.