Software update, Moving to intellicenter units – Rockwell Automation 2100 Connecting a CENTERLINE Motor Control Center DeviceNet Unit to a DeviceNet MCC User Manual

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Publication 2100-IN048C-EN-P—February 2003

Connecting a CENTERLINE® Motor Control Center (MCC) DeviceNet Unit to a DeviceNet MCC 3

Software Update

After installing or relocating units in an IntelliCENTER MCC, the user must
update the IntelliCENTER software by following these directions.

Adding Additional Data Disk(s)

Insert the new data disk into the computer’s CD-ROM drive. The CD
contains an auto-install program that will guide the user through the
installation. The user will be prompted to choose the directory into which the
new data disk will be installed. The installation program will suggest the
directory into which the original software was installed. It is recommended
that the new data disk be installed into the same directory.

Moving to IntelliCENTER Units

Moving IntelliCENTER Units Within the same MCC Lineup

After changing the location of a unit in the IntelliCENTER (physically moving
the unit in the actual MCC lineup) the new unit location must be entered into
the Spreadsheet View of the IntelliCENTER software. To make the change in
the IntelliCENTER software, open the Spreadsheet View by selecting
Spreadsheet - from the View menu or by 'clicking' on the Spreadsheet View


In the Spreadsheet view 'click' in the Vertical Section cell (if the Vertical
Section column is not shown see Adding and Removing Columns) and change
the Section Number by simply typing over the existing section number. Next,
click in the Unit Location cell (if the Unit Location column is not shown see