Rockwell Automation 1772-AF3,D17726.5.2 User Manual AUX FUNCT PROM User Manual
Page 14
File Search Instruction
Chapter 3
Figure 3.8
Example Minimum Logic
Funtion Number:
Data Addr:
Rresult Addr:
Execute Aux
Control bits of the file search instruction are located in the result word, bits 17
thru 14 as follows.
Bit: 17
Function: Enable (EN)
Description: Your program logic must cause a false-to-true transition of the
enable bit for the instruction to operate. Program logic must reset then set the
enable bit before the instruction can search the file for the next match. This is
the only bit that your program logic can manipulate.
Bit: 16
Function: Last State (LS)
Description: The instruction toggles this bit from off to on to off each time the
instruction is enabled and then reset after each match. The last state bit is used
by the instruction to remember the status of the enable bit in the previous scan,
and to prevent the instruction from executing the next search until the enable bit
undergoes another false-to-true transition.
Bit: 14
Function: True (TR)
Description: The instruction sets this bit in the same scan that it finds a match
between data in the match word and data in a file word. The instruction resets
this bit in the next scan. You can consider its operation a one-shot. Your
program logic should detect the setting of this bit as a condition for initiating
the logic associated with a match of data.
Function of Control Bits