Rockwell Automation 440R MSR240P Minotaur Safety Relay User Manual

Page 4

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Communication Module MSR240


RS485 Interface Description

Data relating to the MSR200 System is transmitted via the RS485 channel only in
response to a command characters string received by the MSR240:
Character 1

Start byte = 2

Character 2

Address1 = 48..51 (0..3) [Address x 10]

Character 3

Address0 = 48..57 (0..9) [Address x 1]

Character 4

Function = 49 (1) [1 = Function: send character]

Character (5)

XOR-linkage of Address1, Address0 and Function (optional)

Character 5 (6)

End byte = 3

Addresses in the range 0 to 31 can be set via five DIP switches. Addresses below 10
must start with a zero.

Function setting is fixed at 49 (1) and is the code to send data.

Baud rate can be selected via two DIP switches from the following values:
• 2400 baud

Bit 0 = OFF

Bit 1 = OFF

• 4800 baud

Bit 0 = OFF

Bit 1 = ON

• 9600 baud

Bit 0 = ON

Bit 1 = OFF

• 19200 baud Bit 0 = ON

Bit 1 = ON



Address bit


Address bit


Address bit


Address bit


Address bit 0

Baud rate bit 1

RS485 Interface: DIP Switch Settings

ON = XOR check enabled