What you need to do – Rockwell Automation 20P PowerFlex DC Drive - Frame C AC Line Snubber Board and High Wattage Resistors User Manual

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PowerFlex® DC Drive - Frame C AC Line Snubber Board and High Wattage Resistors

What You Need to Do

The AC Line Snubber board and Resistors are located at the top of the drive
chassis behind the Control board and Control EMI Shield and Field Snubber
and Pulse Transformer circuit boards.

To install the AC Line Snubber circuit board and Resistors:

❐ Step 1: Remove power from the drive
❐ Step 2: Remove the protective covers
❐ Step 3: Move the EMI Shield and Control board
❐ Step 4: Remove the Pulse Transformer and Field Snubber boards
❐ Step 5: Remove the existing AC Line Snubber board and Resistors
❐ Step 6: Install the new AC Line Snubber board and Resistors
❐ Step 7: Install the Pulse Transformer and Field Snubber boards
❐ Step 8: Install the EMI Shield and Control board
❐ Step 9: Replace the protective covers and document the change

Field Snubber board

Pulse Transformer board

AC Line Snubber board
and Resistors behind
Pulse Transformer board