Tz custom fit manual_3, Planning ahead, Tools required – WarmlyYours TempZone Custom Mat User Manual
Page 3: Materials, Subfl oor preparation

Planning Ahead
To reduce the potential for tile cracking ensure the subfl oor structure is built strongly enough to accommodate the tile
(slate, granite, etc.) and tiling method selected. Your local tile retailer may be able to help with such information. The Tile
Terrazzo Marble Association of Canada or the Tile Council of America have published standards available which provide
detail on recommended methods of fl ooring construction. If using metal mesh always fully cover the mesh with a layer of
thinset prior to laying the mat, the metal mesh is sharp enough to damage the heating mat.
If applying the mat to a fl oor which is over an unheated area it is recommended that the area below the fl oor be insulated.
If left uninsulated, the fi nished fl oor may not be able to achieve comfort temperatures due to heat loss from below.
WarmlyYours recommends that the mat be installed on a dedicated 20amp circuit. There are instances where the load
requirements of the mats installed will exceed the dedicated circuit rating. In these instances contact relays (“commonly
known as contactors”), devices designed for the control of multiple mats from a single thermostat, are available. Consult
your local electrical inspection authority for the appropriate method of installing and wiring these devices.
Ensure mats powered through a relay are protected by a ground fault protection device such as a ground fault breaker.
Ensure electrical junction boxes are properly positioned.
Tools required
Square notch trowel, 1/4”x1/4” or larger (e.g. 3/8” x 3/8”)
Rubber grout fl oat
Tape or hot melt glue
Electrical and construction tools: (screwdriver, wire stripper, etc.)
Digital ohmmeter capable of 20 to 20,000 ohms readings
WarmlyYours mat
Tiling materials (latex/polymer modifi ed thinset mortar, waterproof membranes, tile, grout, etc.)
Floor-sensing thermostat
Ground fault protection device (if not part of the thermostat)
External contact relay and ground fault protection device (for multiple mat installations)
4x4 Electrical junction box for thermostat (conduit if required) with single gang mudring.
Subfl oor Preparation
Before beginning installation ensure the subfl oor is clean and free of loose material, any protrusions such as nails or
screw heads sticking above the fl oor level must be removed and ridges levelled smooth. Review and follow the thinset
manufacturer’s recommended fl oor preparation requirements.