WarmlyYours Cork User Manual

Installation instructions, Thermal insulating & sound control underlayment

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Tile Floors Over a Heated Wire Floor System

on a Concrete Slab Subfl oor

The following installation instructions are a recommendation, but

are not intended as a defi nitive project specifi cation. They are

presented in an attempt to be used with recommended installation

procedures, as published by the Tile Council of America and as

specifi ed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).


1. All subfl oor work should be in accordance with the recommended

procedures as published by the Tile Council of North America

(TCNA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

2. Concrete subfl oor should be level, properly sloped and structurally


3. Inspect concrete subfl oor for any open cracks and fi ll with a high-

grade epoxy fi ller.

4. Remove any excess concrete lumps or residue that may interfere

with the installation of the CORK underlayment.


1. Test any concrete slab subfl oor in direct contact with the ground,

either above or below grade, for excessive moisture vapor

transmission prior to the installation of the Cork underlayment.

2. If excessive moisture is present in the subfl oor, normally

>5 lbs. per 1000 s/f in 24hrs as per ASTM Test # F1869-04

(Calcium Chloride Test), some form of moisture vapor-retarding

remediation must be installed to correct the problem. Consult the

project architect or fl ooring adhesive manufacturer for details.


1. Starting in one corner of the space to be covered, measure the

length of the space and cut a piece, or several pieces, of Cork

underlayment to fi t the length of the space to be covered.

2. Snap a chalk line on the fl oor along the edge of the material

farthest from the wall. Move the Cork material out of the way to

begin applying the adhesive.

3. Using a properly sized V-notched trowel (minimum 1/8”) apply

a Latex-Modifi ed Thin-Set Mortar compliant to ANSI Standard

118.4 in the area between the chalk line and the wall down the

entire length of the area to be covered.

4. Lay the Cork material into the bed of adhesive mortar applied,

butting the pieces tightly against each other. Trim the last piece

to length to fi t the space to be covered.

5. Snap another chalk line the width of the Cork sheets from the

edge of the previously laid sheets and repeat the process of

applying the adhesive and installing the sheets, starting with a ½

sheet on alternating rows to stagger the seams.

6. Proceed to cover the entire room, making sure the sheets

are tightly butted together, without gaps. Roll the fl oor in both

directions using a 50 to 100# fl oor roller.

7. After completion, the Cork material should cover the entire fl oor

area without gaps and be securely bonded with any joints tightly

butted. It is recommended that you wait 24hours for the mortar

to set before proceeding.


1. It is important to read and follow the WarmlyYours Instructions

COMPLETELY with regard to the installation of and the connection

of the system to the Electrical System of the building.


1. Follow the tile and setting material manufacturers recommended

instructions for the installation of the fi nished fl oor tile conforming

to ANSI A108.1 A, B, C and A108.5, depending on the method

of installation.

2. Direct bonded applications of tile should be done with a Latex

Modifi ed Thin-Set Mortar compliant to ANSI Standard 118.4.

Note: The use of plastic trowels is recommended by some

manufacturers, to avoid damaging any wires during the tile

setting process.

3. Perform another connectivity test prior to the installation of the


Thermal Insulating & Sound Control Underlayment