K1 k2 k3 – Retsch PT 100 User Manual
Page 22

Operating the machine
5.9 Process Run Duration
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Fig. 1: Setting the processing time
Process run times
You can set the division process time by pressing the
+ button
(K3) or
- button
Press the + button (K3) repeatedly until you reach the appropriate process
run time.
You can select the following time intervals: (in minutes)
co (continually)
– 1 – 3 – 5 – 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60
Continuous run
Press the + (K3) or (K2) button repeatedly until co appears in the display.
During the dividing time, the speed is kept at a constant level within the set
Pos : 7. 25 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Zuteilger ät anbauen @ 3\ mod_1302780202188_9.doc @ 25089 @ 2 @ 1
5.10 Attaching vibratory feeder
Pos : 7. 26 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/ PT100 (2011)/ 0015 PT 100 Bedienung/ 1545 PT100 M odul Anbau des Z ut eilgerätes @ 3\ mod_1302779710210_9. doc @ 25009 @ @ 1
To prepare the vibratory feeder, you need the DR100 operating manual. For a
precise sample division, it is recommendable to feed the sample uniformly through
a vibratory feeder. The DR 100 vibratory feeder, which is available as an
accessory, is suitable for that purpose. The connection between the device and the
DR 100 is established by means of an interface cable, which is included in the DR
100 scope of supply. Both the device and the DR 100 require a mains power
socket, each with the same phase position, providing the appropriate voltage and
frequency (see type plate on the devices). Multi-distributor power sockets, to which
both devices can be connected, are suitable for this purpose.