Technical data, 1 use of the machine for the intended purpose, Caution – Retsch PT 100 User Manual
Page 12: Notice, 2 emissions, 3 degree of protection, 4 drive output

Technical data
4.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose
Pos : 5. 3 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ V0005 VORSICHT explosi onsg ef ärdet e At mosphär e @ 1\ mod_1239868668923_9.doc @ 8140 @ @ 1
Risk of explosion or fire
On account of its design, the device is not suitable for use in hazardous
(potentially explosive) atmospheres.
Do not operate the device in a hazardous atmosphere.
Pos : 5. 4 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/PT 100 ( 2011)/0010 PT 100 Tec hnisc he D at en/ 1505 PT 100 Ei ns atz der Mas chi ne bei besti mmungsgemäßer Ver wendung @ 3\ mod_1302779503916_9.doc @ 24775 @ @ 1
This device is suitable for the representative divisionand reduction of free-flowing,
dispersed bulk material (Powder or Granulate) with a grain size of up to a
maximum 10 mm.
It is possible to divide into 6, 8 or 10 representative sub-samples. When using the
10-outlet dividing head, the maximum feed quantity amounts to 5,000cm
. 10
individual samples in glass bottles with a maximum of 500cm
volume each can be
For a precise division of the sample it is recommendable to feed the sample
uniformly and continuously through a Retsch vibratory feeder.
Pos : 5. 5 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/H 0007 H INWEI S Eins atz bereic h des G erätes 8 Stündiger @ 1\ mod_1236240219096_9. doc @ 7693 @ @ 1
Area of use of the machine
This machine is a laboratory machine designed for 8-hour single-shift
This machine may not be used as a production machine nor is it
intended for continuous operation.
Pos : 5. 6 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Emmisionen @ 0\ mod_1226487095021_9. doc @ 3310 @ @ 1
4.2 Emissions
Pos : 5. 7 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/PT 100 ( 2011)/0010 PT 100 Tec hnisc he D at en/ 0540 PT 100 Emissionen @ 3\ mod_1302779502119_9.doc @ 24730 @ @ 1
Noise data
Noise measurement in conformance to DIN 45635-31-01-KL3
The noise characteristics are also influenced by the properties of the sample.
Example idle speed
Workplace-related emission level LpAeq = 35.3 dB(A)
Example quartz
Workplace-related emission level LpAeq = 36.1 dB(A)
Operating conditions:
Dividing ratio
= 8-outlet dividing head made of aluminium
= 8 wide-mouth bottles
Material to be divided = quartz
Pos : 5. 8 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Schut zart @ 0\ mod_1226491839164_9. doc @ 3328 @ @ 1
4.3 Degree of protection
Pos : 5. 9 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/PT 100 ( 2011)/0010 PT 100 Tec hnisc he D at en/ 0545 PT 100 Sc hutz art @ 3\ mod_1302779502369_9.doc @ 24739 @ @ 1
Pos : 5. 10 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Antrieb @ 1\ mod_1240475743011_9.doc @ 8557 @ @ 1
4.4 Drive output
Pos : 5. 11 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/ PT100 (2011)/ 0010 PT 100 T ec hnis che D at en/0520 P1T00 Antrieb @ 3\ mod_1302779501322_9. doc @ 24703 @ @ 1
Stepper motor
Pos : 5. 12 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Drehz ahl @ 1\ mod_1240476189383_9.doc @ 8585 @ @ 1