Operating the machine, 18 replacing the machine fuses, 19 resetting the overload protection – Retsch TWISTER User Manual

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Operating the machine


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5.18 Replacing the machine fuses

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Fig. 1: Replacing the device fuse

The following glass fuses are required:

220V - 240V 

2 x TT6,3 A

100V - 120V 

2 x TT12,5 A

Pull the plug out of the device socket (M).

Push in the side catch (MA). This unlocks the fuse holder (L) which can
then be pulled out.

Always replace both fuses.

Slide the fuse holder (L) in until it engages.

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5.19 Resetting the overload protection

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The overload protection switch (K) is situated on the rear panel.

This overload protection switch disconnects the device from the power supply if the
machine is overloaded.

After allowing the device to cool down it can be used with the power supply
again by pressing the overload protection switch (K).

Fig. 23: Overload protection switch

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