4 technical data, Technical data, 1 use of the machine for the intended purpose – Retsch TWISTER User Manual

Page 12: Caution, 2 working instructions

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Technical data


Pos : 6. 1 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. Übersc hrift en/1 Tec hnisc he Dat en @ 0 \ mod_1222344525522_9. doc @ 2407 @ 1 @ 1

4 Technical data

Pos : 6. 2 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Eins atz der M asc hine bei besti mmungsgemäß er Ver wendung @ 0\ mod_1226476732248_9. doc @ 3243 @ 2 @ 1

4.1 Use of the machine for the intended purpose

Pos : 6. 3 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ V0004 VORSICHT Expl osi ons- oder Brandgef ahr Ver mahlen @ 1\ mod_1236238455830_9.doc @ 7626 @ @ 1



Risk of explosion or fire
Changing sample properties

Consider that the properties and therefore also the hazardousness of your
sample can change during the grinding process.

Do not use any substances in this device which carry the risk of
explosion or fire.

Pos : 6. 4 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ V0005 VORSICHT explosi onsg ef ärdet e At mosphär e @ 1\ mod_1239868668923_9.doc @ 8140 @ @ 1


Risk of explosion or fire

On account of its design, the device is not suitable for use in hazardous
(potentially explosive) atmospheres.

Do not operate the device in a hazardous atmosphere.

Pos : 6. 5 / 00004 War nhi nweis e/ V0006 VORSICHT Gefahr von Personens chäden Gefährliche St off e @ 1\ mod_1236238456269_9. doc @ 7634 @ @ 1


Danger of personal injury
Dangerous nature of the sample

Depending on the dangerous nature of your sample, take the
necessary measures to rule out any danger to persons.

Observe the safety guidelines and datasheets of your
sample material.

Pos : 6. 6 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/T wist er Mill (2011)/ 0005 Z ykl on Mill T wist er Tec hnisc he Dat en/ 0505 NIR Modul Ei nsatz bei besti mmungsgemäß er Ver wendung @ 3 \ mod_1284362103550_9. doc @ 23071 @ @ 1

Target group: operators

Machine type designation: Cyclone Mill - Twister

This machine is intended for the grinding of animal feed, green feed, cereals and
similar dry materials.

The feed size is 10mm.

The device is designed as a laboratory device for 8-hour one-shift operation with a
30% ON duration.

It is not intended for use as production machine.

Pos : 6. 7 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 F unktions weise @ 0 \mod_1222344568271_9. doc @ 2442 @ 2 @ 1

Arbeits weise

4.2 Working instructions

Pos : 6. 8 / 00010 Bedienungsanlei tungen Kapit elsamml ung en/T wist er Mill (2011)/ 0005 Z ykl on Mill T wist er Tec hnisc he Dat en/ 0510 NIR Modul Funkti ons weis e @ 3\ mod_1284362211645_9.doc @ 23079 @ @ 1

This device has been developed to prepare samples of animal feed for final NIR
analysis. The optimised form of the rotor and of the grinding chamber generates an
air current which transports the ground material through the integrated cyclone
into the sample vessel. The air current simultaneously prevents the warming of the
sample so that moisture losses are avoided. The sieves supplied guarantee
optimum particle size distribution. The rotor speed can be adjusted in 3 stages and
can therefore be adjusted to the requirements of the sample. The cleaning