Operating the machine, 7 opening and closing of the grinding chamber, Caution – Retsch TWISTER User Manual

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Operating the machine


Fig. 7: Main switch

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5.7 Opening and closing of the grinding chamber

Pos : 7. 20 /00004 Warnhinweis e/ V0061 VOR SICHT G ef ähr dung durc h r otier enden Rotor (C ycl one T wist er Mill) @ 3\ mod_1299673878394_9.doc @ 24110 @ @ 1



Bruising and injuries
Danger due to rotating rotor

The rotation of the rotor can cause injuries. Sample material can be
ejected out.

Wait until the motor has come to a standstill before opening the lid.

Pos : 7. 21 /00004 Warnhinweis e/ V0008 VOR SICHT Kl appe bei m Sc hließ en f est hal ten (Cr yoMill) @ 2\ mod_1278054213505_9. doc @ 20549 @ @ 1


Crushed or bruised fingers
Falling grinding chamber protective hood

The protective hood of the grinding chamber can cause crushed or bruised
fingers if it falls down.

Hold the flap tight when closing.

Pos : 7. 22 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0015 Z yklon Mill T wis ter Bedi enung/ 1565 N IR Modul Ö ff nen und schli eßen @ 3\ mod_1284538323834_9.doc @ 23430 @ 2 @ 1

Fig. 8: Opening and closing the grinding chamber

To lock the grinding chamber, twist the lock of the grinding chamber hood (J)
by one quarter rotation in a clockwise direction.

To open the grinding chamber, twist the lock of the grinding chamber hood
(J) by one quarter rotation in an anti-clockwise direction.