Technical data, 3 protective equipment, 4 drive output – Retsch TWISTER User Manual
Page 13: 5 rated power, 6 motor rotation speed, 7 rated voltage

Technical data
requirements are very low in this device because the sample is transported virtually
completely from the grinding chamber.
Advantages at a glance:
Ideal for the grinding of animal feed, green feed and similar materials
3 controlled rotor speeds
Cyclone with 250 ml collecting receptacle for fast collection of samples
Simple and fast cleaning, no cross-contamination
Pos : 6. 9 / 00005 Übersc hrift en/1. 1 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bers chrift en BDA/ 11 Schut zei nricht ungen @ 0\ mod_1226486316130_9.doc @ 3304 @ @ 1
4.3 Protective equipment
Pos : 6. 10 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0005 Z yklon Mill T wis ter T ec hnis che D at en/0515 NIR M odul Sc hutzei nrichtungen @ 3 \ mod_1284362213067_9. doc @ 23088 @ @ 1
The grinding chamber of this device is interlocked with a resistant protective hood
with safety switch.
It is only possible to start the device if the protective hood is closed.
The device can only be started if cassette and lid are in place.
Pos : 6. 11 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Antrieb @ 1\ mod_1240475743011_9.doc @ 8557 @ @ 1
4.4 Drive output
Pos : 6. 12 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0005 Z yklon Mill T wis ter T ec hnis che D at en/0520 NIR M odul Antrieb @ 3\ mod_1284362218395_9. doc @ 23169 @ @ 1
Universal series motor
Pos : 6. 13 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Nennleist ung @ 0\ mod_1226491873164_9. doc @ 3334 @ @ 1
4.5 Rated power
Pos : 6. 14 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0005 Z yklon Mill T wis ter T ec hnis che D at en/0525 N IR M odul N ennl eist ung @ 3\ mod_1284362220427_9.doc @ 23178 @ @ 1
Motor capacity: approx. 900 watts
Pos : 6. 15 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Motor drehzahl @ 1\ mod_1241508280705_9.doc @ 8763 @ @ 1
4.6 Motor rotation speed
Pos : 6. 16 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0005 Z yklon Mill T wis ter T ec hnis che D at en/0530 NIR M odul M ot ordr ehz ahl @ 3\ mod_1284362213739_9. doc @ 23097 @ @ 1
The motor speed can be adjusted to three levels:
10000 revolutions per minute (10 x 1000 rpm)
12000 revolutions per minute (12 x 1000 rpm)
14000 revolutions per minute (14 x 1000 rpm)
Fig. 2: Setting motor speed
Pos : 6. 17 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Nennspannungen @ 1\mod_1240476024494_9. doc @ 8571 @ @ 1
4.7 Rated voltage
Pos : 6. 18 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0005 Z yklon Mill T wis ter T ec hnis che D at en/0535 N IR M odul N enns pannungen @ 3\ mod_1284362214380_9.doc @ 23106 @ @ 1
Rated voltages:
220V - 240 V 50/60 Hz (+/- 5%)
110V - 120V
50/60 Hz (+/- 5%)