Ls r, Operating the machine, 15 removing and inserting the rotor – Retsch TWISTER User Manual
Page 26: Caution

Operating the machine
Pos : 7. 38 /00005 Ü berschrif ten/ 1. 1 Ü bersc hrift en/ 1. 1 Übersc hrift en BD A/ 11 Rotor ent nehmen und ei ns etz en @ 3\ mod_1284537943606_9. doc @ 23413 @ @ 1
5.15 Removing and inserting the rotor
Pos : 7. 39 /00004 Warnhinweis e/ V0058 VOR SICHT Sc hnitt verletzung sc harfe Kanten an R oto und Sieb (Z ykl on Mill T wist er) @ 3\ mod_1288857787413_9.doc @ 23960 @ @ 1
Danger of injuries caused by cuts
Sharp cutters of the rotor and sharp edged sieve
The sharp edges of the rotor and sieve may lead to hands being cut.
Use protective gloves when replacing the rotor or sieve and when
cleaning the grinding chamber.
Pos : 7. 40 /00004 Warnhinweis e/ V0054 VOR SICHT Q uetsc hungen und Prell ung en Beweglic he Teil e R otor Behält er (SM 300, SM 200, SM 100) @ 3\ mod_1282743271379_9.doc @ 22859 @ @ 1
Contusions and bruising
Moving parts
– receptacle and rotor
The receptacle and rotor may fall down after removal and cause injury.
Be careful and put the parts down safely.
Do not place any objects on the device.
Pos : 7. 41 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/T wis ter Mill ( 2011) /0015 Z yklon Mill T wis ter Bedi enung/ 1505 N IR Modul R otor ent nehmen und ei ns etz en @ 3\ mod_1284365243611_9. doc @ 23196 @ @ 1
Fig. 18: Replacing the rotor
Remove the grinding chamber cover (L).
Unscrew the rotor screw (S).
Remove the rotor (R).
Tighten to approx. 2Nm
- 3Nm (hand tight).