Paxton Hands free demonstration unit User Manual

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When using in and out readers, users may be picked up by both readers as they move through

the door which will affect the reliability of any Roll Call or Anti-passback application. Ensure that

sufficient spacing is provided between these readers for optimum range and reliability.

For example, the minimum distance between a P200 and a P50

reader should be greater than the combined read range of 3.6m

(P200 hands free range = 2.5m + P50 hands free range = 1.1m)

The token communicates with the interface using a wireless device at 2.4GHz. This frequency

is ideal for low power, short-range communication and enables the high speed transmission of

secure, encrypted data packets.

The interface should be physically positioned within 15 metres of the reader regardless of the

actual cable length between them. Wireless technology can be susceptible to environmental

factors so if problems are experienced it may be necessary to reposition or move the interface

closer to the reader.

The hands free interface contains the main radio aerial and so should not be housed in a metal

enclosure, behind metal girders, reinforced concrete, etc or the read range will be greatly


Reader Position

Interface Position

The read range of the system depends on the type of reader chosen.


0.85 m


1.1 m


1.5 m


2.5 m
2.0 m

Long Range Reader

5.0 m

P200 metal mount

Read Range

When a reader is connected to a hands free interface board for the first time the reader firmware will

be modified to enable the reader to transmit the address of its interface every 100ms.

The location of both reader and the interface directly affects the operation of the system.

As the reader is constantly transmitting interface information, it must be placed outside the field of

adjacent readers, loop aerials etc, or this data may be corrupted.