Preparation for long term storage – Multiquip GA-6HEB User Manual
Page 25

ga6HB/6HeB 60 hz gENERATOR • OpERATiON ANd pARTs mANuAl — REv. #0 (03/13/14) — pAgE 25
generator storage
For storage of the generating set for over 30 days, the
following is required:
Drain the fuel tank completely, or add STA-BIL to the
Run the engine until the gasoline in the carburetor is
completely consumed.
Completely drain the oil from the crankcase and refill
with fresh oil.
Remove the spark plug, pour 2 or 3 cc of SAE 30 oil into
the cylinder and crank slowly to distribute the oil.
Slowly rotate the engine a few times with the starter rope
and install a new plug.
Pull out the starter rope slowly and stop at the
compression point.
Clean all external parts of the generating set with a
Cover the generating set and store in a clean, dry
PRePaRaTion foR lonG TeRm sToRaGe