Introduction, Introduction 13 – MTS Series 247 Actuators User Manual

Page 13

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Series 247 Actuators




The Series 247 Hydraulic Actuators are double-acting, single-ended, heavy-duty
actuators that operate under precision servovalve control in MTS closed-loop
servohydraulic systems. Typical applications for the actuators include structural
and static testing where a long stroke is required. Series 247 Hydraulic Actuators
are routinely used in systems requiring precision force generation and accurate
control of piston rod displacement.


Component Identification 15

Functional Description 17

Specifications 19

Series 247 Actuator

What you need to


This manual assumes that you know how to use your system controller. See the
appropriate manual for information about performing any controller-related step
in this manual’s procedures. You are expected to know how to do the following:

Turn hydraulic pressure on and off

Select a control mode

Manually adjust the actuator position

Instal a specimen

Define a simple test

Run a test