Mk-5000g operation – MK Diamond MK-5000 Gas User Manual
Page 20

step Cuts
1. Step Cutting is the preferred cutting method for all cuts.
2. When cutting hard material Step Cutting should always be used.
3. Step Cutting will extend the life of the Diamond Blade.
A Step Cut is performed when a series of small cuts of increasing depth are used to complete a single cut.
Adjust the height of the Cutting
Head as necessary, start engine.
Open the Cooling Flow Control
Valve and adjust flow. Verify
proper cooling flow on both
sides of the blade.
Step Cut "Push" Stroke. Lower
Cutting Head 1/4" -1/2"
during Push Stroke.
Step Cut "Pull" Stroke. Lower
Cutting Head and pull Cutting
Table forward.
Repeat Steps C and D until cut
is complete. Turn the saw off
when work is complete.
Chop Cutting
A Chop Cut is performed by cutting completely through an object in one pass.
Adjust the height of the Cutting
Head as necessary, start engine.
Hold the Movable Cutting Table
stationary. Lower Cutting
Head smoothly to cut.
MK-5000G OPeraTiON
Open the Cooling Flow Control
Valve and adjust flow. Verify
proper cooling flow on both
sides of the blade.