Operation, Operation of peg100-p, Setting slave’s address – INFICON PEG100-P Medium to Ultra-High Vacuum Gauge User Manual

Page 5: Input and output data, 2operation, 1 operation of peg100-p, 2 input and output data

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2.1 Operation of PEG100-P

The fieldbus’ operation requires
- the master’s configuration,
- setting of the slave’s address and
- electrical installation of entire system.

2.1.1 Setting Slave’s Address

The two rotary switches on the right side of the
PEG100-P are for the setting of the address. Possible
setting addresses are in the range of 0 to 99. With the
use of both switches the address has to be switched into
the decimal code. The instruments has to be switched off
during the setting of the address. A change will not be
registered after the instrument is switched on.

The required decimal address is set by the address swit-
ches. Switch x10 sets the High Value (see example) and
switch x1 sets the Low Value.

After applying the operation voltage to the PEG100-P,
the device expects -in line with the Profibus specificati-
ons- an address message, a parameter message and a
configuration message. If these data have been received
by the device and if the received data match the unit’s
settings (slave address, configuration data and parame-
ter data/ nominal configuration = actual configuration)
the unit will then enter the data exchange mode and the
„RUN“ LED (1/2) will come on. If this LED does not come
on after having started the system, an error has occurred
during the configuration phase. Please check the slave


tina15e1-a (0206)

address set up in the master, the configuration and para-
meter data by referring to the GSD file.


After having removed the cause for the
error in the configuration for the master,
the bus logic of the PEG100-P can only
be set to its normal operating state by
switching the POWER ON once more.

Factory default settings: slave address

2.2 Input and Output Data

The designations used in the following for the input and
output data must always be seen from the controlling
(master) side. Thus, for example, measurement data
sent by the slave are designated as input data (as seen
by the master).

After successful run-up, i. e. slave address configuration
and parameter data have been received by the
PEG100-P corresponding to the data stored in the
PEG100-P, the unit will enter the „date exchange“ mode.
Here 2 data bytes are transmitted as input and output
data corresponding to the configuration (as stored in the
GSD file).

Fig. 1 Side view of the PEG100-P





Key to Fig. 1
1 Status-LED Profibus (FAIL)
2 Status-LED Profibus (RUN)
3 Address Switch
4 Profibus-DP Plug