7 calibrate the leak detector, 1 introduction, 2 calibration reference – INFICON Sensistor ISH2000P Hydrogen Leak Detector, Panel Model User Manual

Page 17: 3 calibration procedure, Calibrate the leak detector, Introduction, Calibration reference, Calibration procedure, 7calibrate the leak detector

background image

Hydrogen leak detector Sensistor ISH2000


Operating Instructions

OP-Sensistor ISH2000-EN-201203




Calibrate the leak detector

7.1 Introduction

The leak detector is the instrument and the probe together.

This section of the user manual consists of step by step examples about how to
calibrate the detector in the most common cases. For more about the calibration
routine see the reference section.

The instrument must be calibrated by using the integrated calibration function to
make sure it displays the correct values in Analysis Mode. After calibration the
instrument will show the correct measured values on the display in

Analysis Mode


The calibration parameters will be stored into the probe.

7.2 Calibration reference

There is a possibility to calibrate the detector by Reference Gas or Reference Leak.

A Reference Gas contains a well-defined concentration of Hydrogen gas in ppm
mixed by air or some inert gas. A Certificate will normal follow the gas bottles.
Reference Gas can be ordered from local gas suppliers.

A Reference Leak is a well –defined gas leak, and should be feed by same gas as
using in the detection test and with a gas pressure that is defined in the Reference
Leak certificate. Reference Leak can be ordered from the detector provider.

Choose a calibration reference size, as follows recommendations:

Same or higher than the Reject Level (but maximum 10 times higher)

in one of the following ranges:

5 to 400 ppm H2

1x10-5 to 4x10-3 cc/s (mbarl/s) defined for air

3 to 120 g/a defined for R134a

Please contact the provider of the detector for help to select optimal calibration
reference for your application.

7.3 Calibration procedure

Before calibration, the

Reference Value

in the

Calibration Menu

must be set. See “With

reference gas” and “With reference leak” below.

When calibrating, expose the probe to the background air then do the following

1. First Menu then Calibration/Calibrate/Enter.
2. Push the


button or push the probe button.

3. Expose the probe for the reference gas/leak

The probe does not have to be exposed to the to the calibration gas during the

Calibration Time

(the time set in the


menu while the bar is moving).

The instrument only measures the change as the probe goes from the background
air to calibration gas.

While the calibration time bar is moving, the probe should be exposed to the
calibration gas or referenece leak. Then the display shows

Detecting Gas

and gives

sound signals. Save or repeat the calibration routine until you can save the