Triggered operation, Short operation – HMC Electronics MDL Series BK Precision DC Electronic Load System Module User Manual
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Triggered Operation
Trigger Function
Trigger operation can be used in the following operations: transient pulse output, triggered output,
and list output. The electronic load has five kinds of trigger modes to synchronously trigger the
tested instrument. Before enabling the trigger function, users should first select trigger source.
Trigger Source
Manual trigger: When manual trigger mode is active, pressing the Trig key on the front
panel will enable a trigger operation.
External trigger signal (TTL level): The 1
pin of the 8-pin connector on the rear panel of
the mainframe is the trigger input terminal. When an external trigger signal is available,
input a low pulse (>10us) to the input and the load will enable a trigger operation.
Hold trigger: When hold trigger is used, the load will enable a trigger operation only when
the load receives the TRIG:IMM trigger command from the communication port.
Bus trigger: When bus trigger is set, the load will enable a trigger operation as soon as the
load receives the trigger command GET or *TRG.
Timer trigger: When timer trigger is set, the mainframe will enable a trigger operation
Short Operation
The electronic load can simulate a short circuit at its input. During front panel operation, press the
Short key to switch the short on/off state. Short operation will not affect the present setting. When
turning off the short state, the load returns to the original set state.
The actual value of the electronic load in short operation depends on the mode and range that is
active when the short is turned on. In CC or CR mode, the maximum short current is 120% of the
current range. In CV mode, short means setting the load’s constant voltage to be 0 V. In short
operation mode, you can measure the maximum short current (Amax) or DC current (ADC) of the
power source to be measured. You can set this function via the Configuration menu. When in
remote control mode, you can send SCPI command INPut:SHORt ON to enable the short operation.
Documentation Provided By HMC Electronics
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(800) 482-4440