General Machine Products 86350 E ladder Support User Manual
E ladder support, How to use your new

Before you get on any ladder, make sure it is posi-
tioned well away from any potential conductors...and
that it is completely stable and secure. Once you're on
the ladder, secure yourself to it following the practice
that applies to your work.
Every effort has been made to design this product with
your personal safety in mind. But every outside plant
tool is only as safe as its user...and that's you.
Don't take chances with your safety! Be sure you've
read and are completely familiar with all of these in-
structions and the safety practices that apply to the
installation before you use your E Ladder Support.
We can't be held responsible for any injury that occurs
to you if you fail to follow these instructions and your
company's practices thoroughly.
If you have any questions about any of these proce-
dures, please call us at 1-800-345-6009 (in AK, HI, PA
and outside the USA call 1-215-357-5500) or contact
your supervisor for further information before you start.
Special Precautions
Be sure to take these important precautions every time
you use your new E Ladder Support:
• Check your ladder and support each time before you
use them for cracks and breaks. If you see any, re-
port them to your supervisor and get a replacement.
• Make sure all equipment on both is working proper-
ly. Even if you only suspect that something isn't
right, use a replacement instead.
• Never have more than one worker on the ladder.
• When you're aloft, make sure your safety strap pass-
es through both D rings on your body belt, and the
ends are snapped onto the strand on either side of
you. This could be your last line of defense if the
support were to fall.
About Your Support
Your new E Ladder Support is designed to help provide
you with a safe working position below the cable and
strand while doing aerial cable work.
E Ladder Support
How to Use Your New...
P/N 86350 & P/N 86351