Patch mode – Doug Fleenor Design GIZMO Manual User Manual
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Patch Mode
In PATCH MODE the Gizmo takes the DMX512 input and reorganizes the channel numbers and transmits
them creating a new “patch”. The Gizmo can store 10 user defined patches and has two predefined
patches, a “1-1" and a “null” patch. Selecting the “1-1" patch sets output channels consecutively, so the
input channels are equal to the output channels. Selecting the “null” patch clears all the output channels
so no channels are output. The predefined patches provide a starting place for creating user defined
Press [ENTER] to select the PATCH MODE. Upon pressing the enter key the Gizmo begins using its “1-1"
patch. There are two patch modes available. One is used to edit patches and one is used to load patches.
Use the [Ç] or [É] key to scroll to the desired patch mode and the [ENTER] key to select that mode.
Edit User Patch
This mode is used to build a patch and to record it as one of the 10 user defined patches.
Upon entering the EDIT USER PATCH mode, you are prompted by the
> cursor to enter an output
channel number. This is done using the numeric keypad or by using the [Ö ], [<], [>], and [Ñ ] keys.
Pressing the [AT] key then allows you to set the input channel. This is done using the numeric keypad or
by using the [Ь], [З], [Й], and [á] keys. To enter another output channel, press the [AND] key followed by
the new channel number. To disable an input channel it must be set to null by pressing the [á] key. The
input channel field will display three dashes.
OUT:> 6 7 8
IN: 6 7 8
OUT: 6 7 8
IN:> 1 7 8
OUT: 20 21 22
IN:> 19 21 22
OUT:> 21 22 23
IN: --- 22 23
[AT] 1
[AND] 20 [AT] [É]
[AND] [>] [AT] [á]
When you have completed entering your patch press [ENTER] to save the patch. You will be prompted
to either save the patch [ENTER] or return to USING PATCH mode [CLEAR]. Pressing the [ENTER] key
will cause the Gizmo to prompt you for a patch number to record into. Any patch from 0 - 9 can be
recorded. This is done using the numeric keypad. Pressing [ENTER] will store the patch and the Gizmo
will respond with “patch saved” and immediately begin using the newly saved patch. Press [ENTER] or
[CLEAR] to return to EDIT USER PATCH mode.
Load User Patch
Upon entering this mode, you will be prompted to enter a user defined patch number or select a predefined
patch to load. Use the numeric keypad to enter the desired patch number (0 - 9). Press [ENTER] to start
using the patch. Alternately you may use the [AND] key to select the “1-1" or [THRU] key to select a “null”